Guava fruit (Guava health benefits)

Guava-health-benefitsGuava is extremely beneficial for health. The amount of pectin in Guava is also much more and Guava is rich in vitamin C. There are good amounts of iron, lime and phosphorus in it. Vitamins and minerals present in Guava are helpful in protecting the body from various diseases. It also strengthens the immune system. guava scientific name is Psidium guajava. What are the benefits of eating guava let's know.

Guava health benefits

  • Guava is high energy fruit, which contains plenty of vitamins and minerals. These elements are very important for our body. These elements are very important for our body.
  • Potassium and magnesium present in guava protects the heart and muscles and protects them from many diseases.
  • Regular intake of guava decreases the risk of problems like colds.
  • The amount of fiber in guava is very high, so it is very good for patients with diabetes.
  • The regular intake of guava relieves constipation problem.
  • Guava contains beta carotene, which protects the body from skin related diseases.
  • It fixes a number of diseases related to the teeth. By chewing the leaves, the worms in the teeth are finished.
  • Vitamin A and E, found in guava, nourishes eyes, hair and skin.
  • An intake of guava leaves is effective in removing mouth ulcers.
  • Raw Guava is found more in Vitamin C. Therefore, raw guava food is more beneficial.
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